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Pigeon Gossip Girl
Hi. I'm sorry I can't properly introduce myself with a name, but I might be slaughtered by Napoleon's dogs if they found out someone was delivering the truth to the world about the Animal Farm. Sure, Moses and the mindless pigeons are sent out to spread word about things, but the pigs are controlling what they say and some creative truth-telling is always involved. Therefore, I am taking a stand and letting the world know what's actually happening here, as I am a pigeon flying here and there on the farm, silently watching and simply reporting what I see. I hope you don't succumb to the propaganda that is sent out by Napoleon and his posse, but plug into the truth that is right on my blog. You may refer to me as the Pigeon Gossip Girl.
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The Animal Farm Experience

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Napoleon vs. Snowball?

                           An interesting piece of graffiti found behind a pile of straw on a barn wall where Old Major used to sleep...                
  In this particular interpretation made by an unknown source, Snowball seems to be making the most fuss. But even while Napoleon is silent and almost serene, he is the one wearing the commanding hat, not Snowball.  A question that might tickle the minds of most: what are those objects in Napoleon's hands?  A parody of Farmer Jones?  A wicked sense of foreshadowing?  Only time will tell...

It is no surprise these two tension-causers are in this picture together.  While Snowball is more on the vivacious and innovative, Napoleon resides more on the controlling, manipulative side and is excellent at keeping those he recruits for help in line.  But the bottom line is: these two pigs are the strongest personalities in the entire farm.  An anonymous source inputs, "They are the most active in debates.  Sunday morning meetings have become almost unbearable with their disagreement.  If Snowball thinks one thing about an issue, I will bet you an entire month's worth of grain that Napoleon will be disagreeing.  It doesn't help that none of the other animals can never even make up their minds.  They just listen to whoever's talking at the moment.  The only reason I never speak up about it is because I don't really trust any of the other animals on the farm, save for Boxer.  None of these arguments will really matter in a few months, because even after this Rebellion ideal I bet things will be the same."  The source reported this quite cynically, and looked as if they would much rather get back to doing what is expected of them than offer any opinions on this battle for power.  However, a close source claims:

"The animals have split themselves into two sides.  Half of the animals cheer, "Vote for Snowball and the three-day week" while the other half sings, "Vote for Napoleon and the full manger".  I just wish we could all find a peaceful way to get over this bump and unite like a family once again."

The disagreements go on and on.  If Snowball is working on the inventive Animal Committees, Napoleon wishes to focus on the education of the youngsters to ensure a strong future.  If Snowball wants to build a windmill to make life on the farm easier for all the animals, Napoleon feels the need to keep up food production to prevent starvation.  Both have very good ideals and points, and the animals seem to be having trouble choosing sides.  Snowball comes up with the ideas, but Napoleon has a scarily efficient way of getting the job done.  It may come to a time where it is up to one of them to lay the last straw and decide the final leader.

Snowball (front row, second to right) and Napoleon (third pig from left) fight for space in front
of Old Major during the meeting with haughty expressions.

Which side are you on?